33 Best Preaching Quotes From Preach Better Sermons

In this post, I’m going to share with you the 33 best preaching quotes.

In case you’ve been wondering what all the fuss has been all over Twitter, Preaching Rocket just delivered again with their awesome Preach Better Sermons live event.

If you missed that, you might want to check out this list of best preaching courses.

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The online conference included interviews with the likes of Andy Stanley, Jeff Henderson, Jud Wilhite, Derwin Grey, Lysa Terkeurst and Herbert Cooper to name a few.

Some of the greatest preachers and communicators of our time gave us valuable insights into how to write and deliver powerful sermons.

So, just in case you missed it, or didn’t get a chance to take notes, here are my favourite top 33 preaching quotes and tidbits from the Preach Better Sermons webinar.

33 Preaching Quotes

1. “The better you prepare, the better you preach.”

2.  “Preaching is truth set on fire.”

3. “A good sermon is like a virus. It spreads.”

4. “People resist truth from people they don’t like.”

5. “If you don’t know what you want them to do, you’ve got more work to do.”

6. “Your goal as a preacher is not to fill the time, but leverage the time.”

7. “The more I can connect with people and look them in the eye, the better.”

8. “If we don’t get ahead in our preparation, our churches suffer.”

9.  “The goal of preaching is life change.”

10. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

11. “Does my sticky statement just preach well or does it live well?”

12. “The challenge for preachers is to not just talk about it, but to BE about it.”

13. “You can wreck your ministry if you are dying for the adoration of people.”

14. “90% of unchurched people choose a church based on the pastor or preaching.”

15. “If you want to get better, watch yourself preach.”

16. “When preaching, I want to get rid of any barrier between me and the crowd. Connect before content.”

17. “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.”

18. “While you’re busy working on your sermon, who is working on you?”

19. “Approach is what makes content interesting.”

20. “The issue is: are people engaged, not how long the sermon is.”

21. “When preaching is done right, it can change lives.”

22. 4 Questions to Guide Your Sermon Prep: (10 mins per question)

“What does my audience currently think?”
“What do I want my audience to think?”
“What is my single most persuasive idea?”
“What do I want them to do?”

23. “The goal of preaching is to point people toward Jesus and help them take the next step.”

24. “People need the Good News, not just good advice.”

25. In the first five minutes of your sermon:

  • Be likeable
  • Tell a story (a funny one is even better)
  • Create tension
  • Ask: “Have you ever felt like this?”
  • Tease the solution

26. “A great sermon doesn’t just happen by accident.”

27. “A sermon fails, though it be well presented, biblical and inspiring, if it has no call to action.”

28. “Preachers: The message is more important than you are.”

29.  “As communicators of the greatest message ever, we must be students of communication.”

30. “A prepared messenger is more important than a prepared message.”

31. “Let your life preach more loudly than your lips.”

32. “Stories put flesh on the truth we’re trying to convey and therefore give people understanding.”

33. “The preachers who preach better sermons are the ones who are always learning.”

34. Most preachers use the Bible the way a drunk uses a lamppost – more for support than for illumination. – David Helm

35. “Preaching is not a profession, it’s a passion! If a man can’t preach with passion he shouldn’t preach at all.”Leonard Ravenhill

36. “Great preaching begins with understanding, not just the message, but the hearts and minds of those you seek to reach.” – Simon Crowe

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Your Turn

If you like these preaching quotes, check out:

What are some of your favourite preaching quotes?

And what are some of the things you’ve done to improve your preaching?

Let us know in the comments! 🤗

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