Top 3 Qualities of a Good Pastor- The 3 C’s

Top 3 Qualities of a Good Pastor

What are the top three qualities of a good pastor? What makes a good church leader? What leadership qualities must someone demonstrate before you will trust them, respect them and follow them? Feel free to use this simple and memorable leadership teaching with your teams. Let’s get straight into it. I believe that when it comes to great Christian leadership … Read more

7 Online Church Leadership Training Resources To Help You Take Your Church Forward

7 Online Church Leadership Training Resources

In partnership with The Rocket Company, GrowChurch has made online church leadership training resources available to hundreds of pastors. I’ve read story after story in comments and emails of church leaders raving about the latest thing they’ve learned and how sharing their results after they’ve applied the core coaching in their local church setting. The Rocket Company’s vision statement is simply: … Read more

The Best Place to Buy Christian Books + My Reasons Why

best place to buy christian books

If any of you have been around for a while you’ll know I’m big on reading and learning and growing and for one simple reason: Growing a church congregation first requires the leader to grow. In today’s post, I just wanted to show you the best place to buy Christian books. Rather than going to a Christian bookstore, I will … Read more

Christian Leadership Training – Lead With Attitude

Christian Leadership Training

Leaders think and perceive the world differently than followers do. Your leadership potential is not limited by the current size of your church, by your location or by the people you have. Your Christian leadership in the church is not determined by your training, abilities or skills (despite popular opinion). In reality, our leaderships begins and ends with attitude; it’s … Read more

Knowing Who I Am In Christ Scriptures – Saying It As It Is

Knowing Who I Am In Christ Scriptures

Why did I put these knowing who I am in Christ scriptures together? Because there are times when we all feel inadequate or have self-esteem issues – me too. Don’t be too surprised, I’m not a super-spiritual superhero! : ) But it’s exactly at times like this that I need to run back to the Bible and see what God says … Read more

7 Remarkable Stories You Can Use In Your Sermons

Stories You Can Use in Your Sermons

Everybody loves a good story! That’s why Jesus told stories all the time. That’s why learning how to become a good storyteller can help keep people engaged in your preaching. Here are 7 remarkable stories that can use to illustrate your main sermon outline. Save these in your preaching folder. Each story comes with a brief thought on how you … Read more

Top 100 Bible Verses to Memorise & A Crazy Simple Way To Memorise Them

Top 100 Bible Verses to Memorise & A Crazy Simple Way To Memorise Them

Today I’m going to share with you the top 100 Bible verses to memorise starting today. On top of that I’m also going to show you a super easy way of remembering them. Are you ready? Let’s dive in! “Let our gardener God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life. Jam 1:21” [Tweet this] The Easiest … Read more

How To Read The Bible In A Year – Take The Challenge

How To Read The Bible In A Year

  Last Update 11th October, 2016. Welcome to the GrowChurch’s very own online guide on how to read the Bible in a year. Whether you want to read the the Bible in a year starting January the 1st as a New Year’s resolution or you’re beginning mid-summer – it’s never too late to start! Firstly, let me commend you for … Read more

12 Compelling Reasons To Read The Bible – Dust It Off & Start Reading

Compelling Reasons To Read The Bible

Last Update 11th October, 2016. Knowing we should read the Bible isn’t a strong enough reason to actually open up the Bible and start reading. Parts of the world are desperate to get their hands on the Word of God, while western believers have access to the Word and yet some are neglecting the daily discipline of reading the Bible. Why? … Read more