7 Reasons Great Preaching Will Grow Your Church

The #1 way to grow your church is through preaching better sermons.

Preaching is more effective than any promotion or advertising when it comes to growing a church.

When you grow as a preacher, the church grows too.

The messages you deliver are what keep your current members coming back week after week.

And, they’re the greatest determining factor of whether or not guests and unchurched people will attend your church.

And if you’re looking for the best preaching courses, below are my top picks, based on 40+ hours of research and testing:

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So if you’re looking to invest in yourself and grow as a preacher, check them out and see how they can help you and your church.

7 Reasons Great Preaching Will Grow Your Church

1. Great Preaching Attracts People

Jesus drew crowds because he spoke with authority about everyday issues. 

Jesus engaged with his audience, gave real-life examples and told interesting stories.

Try using an interesting story in your next preach, people love a good story!

See: 7 Remarkable Stories You Can Use in Your Sermons

Seekers are looking for more than a motivation or ‘pick me up’; they want to know what the Bible says on important issues relating to them and their life.

“90% of unchurched people choose a church based on the pastor or preaching.”

2. Great Preaching Starts Great Conversations

A great sermon gets people talking outside and away from your main Sunday morning service.

Great conversations can be had at the office, in coffee shops or in your small home groups.

3. Great Preaching Points People to Follow Jesus

People drawing closer to God is the natural result of a solid sermon.

Speaking God’s Word with conviction and skill will inspire and motivate people to connect with their life-giving Creator.

4. Great Preaching Can Be Shared Beyond Sunday

Thanks to giant technological advances such as the internet, you have the greatest opportunity in the history of the church to get the Gospel out there.

Through YouTube, podcasts and social media you have the potential to reach an entirely new audience with your message.

5. Great Preaching Affects The Reputation Of Your Church

Whether good or bad, the biggest benchmark people judge your church by is the senior pastor’s preaching.

Elevate Your Preaching With Killer Sermons Academy πŸŽ™οΈ

Killer Sermons Academy

Dive into 28 action-packed lessons that will supercharge your sermon prep and delivery.

Join 3,000+ passionate preachers in a thriving community, all committed to turning their sermons from ordinary to extraordinary.

Whatever your experience level, Killer Sermons Academy will give you the roadmap for preaching excellence.

6. Great Preaching Inspires Personal Invitations

If your congregation members are bored with or tolerate your preaching they won’t be inspired to promote the church.

Great preaching fuels people to invite their unsaved family and friends to church.

7. Great Preaching Will Encourage Visitors to Come Back

If people return to your church for a second time they are far more likely to get connected with your church family, give you their contact details (so you can follow up), and maybe even volunteer in a service area.

Ultimately, great preaching is the biggest tool in turning visitors into church members.

A Better Way To Prepare & Preach Sermons

We preach as a labour of love and yet so many preachers are, well, let’s say less effective than we could be…

I think that’s got to do with not using our time wisely when preparing sermons. Most preachers struggle to come up with sermon outlines easily because they have no system to follow.

Having a proven sermon system means you actually preach better without the need to stress out spending hours and hours struggling with preacher’s block.

If you want to improve your preaching and claim your Saturdays back from gruelling sermon prep then check out these top preaching courses.

Over To You

What do you think about the effect preaching has on the church?

What’s your experience?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “7 Reasons Great Preaching Will Grow Your Church”

  1. Thank you Simon. Sorry, I had been away for some time due some personal issues and I want to thank you most especially for helping me to grow my church.

    I am so grateful brother. God bless you.

    • Anything to help build God’s kingdom Lizzy! It’s all about making the name of Jesus famous and like it or not, the church is God’s chosen vehicle in getting the gospel to all four corners of the earth, every distant shore and island. Bless you!

  2. Often times we hear preacher make their sermon like “diction” their sermon. Hi, Mr Simon what do you think about this. I am BL Padatu came from Indonesia country.


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Whether you're a seasoned preacher or just starting out, Killer Sermons Academy gives you the roadmap you need to preach better sermons.