Book Title: Jesus Is ____: Find a New Way to Be Human
Author: Judah Smith
Lowest Price: Amazon
Published: 2013 by Thomas Nelson Inc.
Available Formats: Hardback, Paperback, Kindle, Audio
Read Customer Reviews: Here
From the Author

A New York Times Best-Seller
Jesus is _____.
The question asked in this book is “How would you finish that sentence?”
The subject is there, and so is the verb, but what comes next?
This is the question of the ages.
World history fascinates me…
because it’s not what you expect.
Of all the kings, emperors, warriors and revolutionaries, how is it that a Jewish rabbi from a tiny, dusty outpost of the Roman empire is still the most talked about, a controversial figure over 2,000 years on?
Mighty civilisations have risen, great empires have fallen and yet it’s this guy – Jesus – that has left us with the biggest personal challenge of all.
A poor carpenter’s son, from a small, obscure village called Nazareth.
Why is He so controversial?
How has He become so influential even to this day?
In the pages of Jesus Is ____, Judah Smith completes that statement again and again, each time revealing more of who Jesus is.
Judah’s writing is that of an honest and passionate friend, sharing the importance and relevancy of Christ’s message to 21st-century men and women.
This book is recommended for lifelong followers, new believers or those who are just curious about the most controversial man to ever walk on the planet.
With passion, humour and conviction, Judah Smith shows us the Jesus that sombre paintings and hymns fail to capture. Jesus is a new and better way to be human.
There are six main sections of the book:
- Jesus is Your Friend
- Jesus is Grace
- Jesus is the Point
- Jesus is Happy
- Jesus is Here
- Jesus is Alive
My Take on Jesus Is ______
I devoured this book. It was so easy to read and cut straight to the heart.
I found myself laughing, crying, and loving Jesus more and more with every page bringing the real Jesus into focus.
God seems to be taking me on a journey this year; one where I see Jesus for who he really is – non-religious, witty, compelling and powerful.
For example, did you know Jesus actually had a personality?
Shocking I know… 🙂
I’ve just finished reading Jesus Is and already I’m a third the way through Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldridge, another great book (watch out for my review soon).
We have to cut back the religious images we’ve all been told to see the real God-man Himself.
I don’t know about you but I want to worship and follow Jesus for who He really is, not some distorted, inferior ‘Jesus’ image I have in my head.
When I read the Gospels I want to see the real Jesus – in all his humanity and sovereignty.
“When some people hear about grace, the first thing they think is: So, I can go out and do whatever I want and God has to forgive me? They haven’t met grace – they’ve met a concept.” (p.54)
I found Judah’s perspective inspiring, thought-provoking and refreshing.
This book challenged me and confronted my thinking and I love books that do that.
My favourite section in this book is ‘Jesus is Grace’ – the author articulately and passionately gives the best description of grace I have ever come across, all with his own personal stories and illustrations thrown in.
‘Jesus is Grace’ is immediately followed by ‘Jesus Friend of Sinners’ and both open your eyes to the character of Jesus. I have always wondered why the prostitutes and tax collectors were drawn to him. Ever thought that you were missing something?
Today sinners see Christians as critical and judgmental – I think we’ve missed the mark somewhere…
I have come to understand something recently: I don’t believe there’s anyone inherently opposed to God.
The indifference, opposition, animosity and hatred toward God is a result, not of their own rebellion, but of our erroneous portrayal of a God that we claim, but often do not really know.

It’s the religious Jesus people reject. (I reject the religious Jesus too after reading this book).
“Our sonship isn’t based on our performance but on our faith in Jesus’ performance.
The message of Jesus Is _____ is simple and direct and speaks to modern men and women.
Because of its straight-talking and accessible message, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Jesus Is ___ By Judah Smith: The Bottom Line
Well-written and easy to read, Judah does a great job of showing us who Jesus really is.
Essentially this book challenges your own perceptions and presumptions of the historical and Biblical Jesus.
Judah asks the question Jesus asked:
“Who do you say I am?”
That’s the only real question that demands an answer.
Judah’s book introduces us to the real God, to the actual Jesus, and shows us His heart towards us.
The author lets us know that Jesus is not focusing on our failures and imperfections, but on His own sacrifice and finished work on our behalf.
Jesus is____. is an amazing read and I highly recommend it.
Christian or not, if you want a fresh perspective on Jesus, read this book!
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